Birth Child Stories: Meet Zoe | Blog Series | Lorimer Fostering

Lorimer - At the heart of fostering

Birth Child Stories: Meet Zoe

Posted on 29th March 2019 by


When people make the transition to become Foster Carers it doesn’t just have an impact on them. It also impacts on the entire family including their own birth children. As a foster carer you are allocated a Supervising Social Worker to support you, as a looked after foster child you are allocated a Social Worker to support you too but for a birth child they can often feel invisible to social work agencies if the right support is not there for them! It is important for birth children to feel as if they have a voice when it comes to the fostering process. They should also be involved in decision making. Birth children of foster carers play a major role in the life of a looked after young person.

Below, we hear from birth child Zoe, whose parents have been Lorimer foster carers for just over a year now.


Birth Child Stories: Meet Zoe

My parents have been fostering now for over a year. When my parents told me they were looking in to fostering I was delighted for them as I knew it would be something they would be amazing at and love every minute of it.

During the process, my experience meeting the Social Worker was good. We could ask questions and answer their questions and also express how we felt about our parents fostering and how much we were looking forward to it too. I knew my parents would give the same love and care and happiness they gave myself and my sisters. I remember meeting their first placement for the first time shortly after she arrived at my parents home, I could not wait to meet her.

Fostering myself is definitely something I would love to do in the future. It can be challenging for my parents but it’s nothing they can’t handle or haven’t done before. The positives of being part of a foster family – there’s loads! But the feeling you get for giving the foster child love and happiness is very rewarding.

We haven’t yet experienced a foster child leaving but we would most definitely be upset, but try to be strong at the same time. We have become very close and the foster child is like part of our family. They will be missed but will stay in touch hopefully.


Thank you to Zoe for sharing your story as part of our birth child stories series! And a big thank you to all of our foster siblings, for your hard work, love and support!

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