Celebrating Male Foster Carers for Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day from Lorimer!
New Dads and Old dads
Step-Dads and Grandads
Uncles, Brothers
Carers and Guardians
Mum’s who are Dads!
We see the care and love that you provide our children and young people.
Not all families are the same, and at Lorimer we celebrate them all. The saying ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ rings so true for us! The input of each person in a child’s life is significant; and each child in our care has different needs.
The Origins of Father’s Day
Father’s Day was first celebrated in the UK in the early 20th Century. However, it was an American tradition first. Originally the concept was dismissed; men were providers! Luckily though, the celebration took off and is now celebrated on the third Sunday of June.
We LOVE our male Foster Carers!

Traditionally, child care is seen as a female task. At Lorimer, we encourage our male carers to be just as involved. We provide the same training opportunities, and even have specific courses for male carers. Lorimer ensures that caring really is a whole family task.
Did you know that we also have single male carers? Regardless of your relationship status or sexual orientation, caring for a young person is about the qualities you have as a person. Male Foster Carers are in high demand; do you have the skills to improve the life of a young person?
A look back through our blogs is a great way to see the work our carers do. It might help you to decide to take that next step!
Supporting Young People on Father’s Day
Sadly, many young people in care do not have regular family contact. It can be hard for them to see other families celebrating when they feel they can’t. Fostering requires sensitivity around these occasions. Here are some hints and tips about managing difficult days:
- Where possible, include a young person’s birth family. Even if they can’t see their family, they may want to talk about them. There may be a way they wish to mark the day; writing a letter, watching a certain movie or visiting a memorial. Acknowledging the importance of these days for a young person shows sensitivity and empathy.
- Be respectful of a young person’s wishes and feelings. They might find special family days too painful; gently encourage them to join in but let them know it’s OK if they can’t. Give them space to process their emotions and be there for them when they are ready.
- Consider setting aside some special time for you and them, if they’re struggling. Feeling listened to is important for young people in our care.
- Understand the diversity of families, and what family means. Religious and cultural traditions should be celebrated, explored and promoted.
Other Lorimer News…
This week, the team took some time out to get to know each other a little better. The day included a walk along the Bridgewater Canal to Dunham Massey followed by a spot of lunch. It was great to have the chance to talk properly.

Our carers also have the chance to meet up and swap experiences and learn a little something too! Our Supervising Social Worker, Ann, is running our Foster Carer Forums. We are excited to be able to return to holding these in person 😊
All carers will be invited to attend as many as they wish, with the location rotating to reflect where you all live. However, it would be wonderful to see you all there!
Finally, we are looking to start a Lorimer Library! There will be a range of books available at Lorimer House for our young people to choose from. They will have their own Lorimer Library Card too. If your young people would like to come and choose a book, let your SSW know. We are also grateful for donations of books etc for the Library!
We hope you enjoy the sunny weekend!
Get in Touch
You can call, text or WhatsApp Rachael on 07938 575 738; or send an email to: foster@lorimerfostering.com. If you would prefer us to call you, please submit your details using the form below; and we’ll get back to you soon!