Fostering Staff Members Celebrate 10 Years’ Service
It is almost unheard of these days for social work employees to stay with their current employers for more than 5 years which is why we always celebrate when our fostering staff members have approached their 10 years service with us!!
So without further ado…..all the staff at Lorimer Fostering wish to congratulate both Theresa Savage, Supervising Social Worker, and Billy West, Team Manager, 10 yr Service – Theresa & Billy for all their dedication, loyalty and hardwork over the last 10 years. Both Billy and Theresa have been with Lorimer from the start so they have been instrumental in making Lorimer what it is today. They are both a pleasure to work with and are loved by their colleagues and carers alike.
Theresa reflects on her last 10 years “I can genuinely say it does not feel like ten years, that is because l truly enjoy my work. Over the years I have been fortunate to work with many lovely foster carers. I have had the pleasure of supporting some great young people. I view my work colleagues as close friends. So on a professional satisfaction level l would rate my time at Lorimer as a 10/10.”
Billy recalls his first day with the company “My 10 years service for the agency has been the longest I have worked anywhere. This represents almost a third of my adult working years and a fifth of my entire life (WOW). My first day on 6th September 2005 was spent sat facing a wall under a padded beam high up in the mezzanine (that has now disappeared), and I thought to myself, I won’t last long here!
Well how wrong I was!
Lorimer has been fantastic experience for me and the one thing that keeps me here is the people. I enjoy the challenges and more importantly I celebrate the excellent outcomes i’ve seen for the young people placed with our foster carers. My approach is underpinned by a firm belief that no problem is unsolvable as long as we continue to respect each other.”
Over the last couple of years we have given out three 10 year service awards (in addition to Billy & Theresa’s) so as you can see we are like one big happy family here at Lorimer with a very stable and happy staff team. This is evident to see whenever you come into our office or speak to us over the phone and our foster carers are made to feel part of this team too.