Lorimer Fostering Recruiting Foster Carers with Smooth Radio

Lorimer - At the heart of fostering

Lorimer Fostering – Christmas Advert on Smooth Radio

Posted on 14th January 2015 by

Christmas is a time when families reminisce about the good times that they have shared during the year but for foster children Christmas is a bitter-sweet experience. They are so very grateful for the love, time and effort their foster family have given them but at the same time they are sad that they are not sharing the good times with their own birth family.

To promote fostering and encourage more people to come forward and open up their heart and their home to a young person in care, this Christmas Lorimer Fostering have produced a Smooth Radio advert to demonstrate the hope and chance children and young people are given as a result of foster care.20141130_143452_resized_1

This year’s advert was produced with the help of some of our young people who have first hand experience of foster care; both foster children themselves and also birth children who may share their home with foster children. Their words are heartwarming. The children have been given a gift of a future and their words really highlight their gratitude towards their foster carers for “believing, having “patience and understanding” and “simply being you”.

20141130_143243_resized_1Marketing Manager for Lorimer Fostering, Zoe, stated that “Everyone thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the production of the advert; from visiting the Smooth Radio head office, sitting in the recording studios, recording their parts using the latest technology and of course listening to their finished product! It was an exciting day and the young people were very professional….they certainly showed an eye for radio broadcasting!”

These young people’s lives have been changed as a result of foster care; they are offered stability, they learn how to manage their feelings, have daily support and guidance, someone to talk to and a close family unit guiding them towards a brighter future. The best gift a foster carer could give a child is love, support, understanding and patience and this is exactly what these young people have been given!

Could you offer a truly magical gift this Christmas and open up your heart and your home to a foster child? With a shortage of over 1200 foster carers across the North West – could you make a difference this Christmas and turn a child’s life around by giving them hope, support, security and a warm, loving home? Giving the gift of a family: a safe, secure, nurturing family is priceless. Watching a child in your care make progress, learn to trust a little and become a child again is also incredibly rewarding.

If you are interested in becoming a Foster Carer and would like to have an informal chat with one of our team then please leave your details above, complete the “Register your Interest” form or contact us on the Freephone number 0800 038 7799.


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