One for the Young People - Children's Rights Survey - Lorimer Fostering

Lorimer - At the heart of fostering

One for the Young People – Children’s Rights Survey

Posted on 26th November 2013 by

You may be aware that next year the UK will be examined by the UN Committee on its implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  It is crucial that young people feed into this process and Roger Morgan, Children’s Rights Director for England, is inviting all children and young people who are within his remit to have their say, by completing a web survey accessible via a secure login from their website.


Who they are…

Roger Morgan is the Children’s Rights Director for England. It’s Roger’s job to make sure that YOUR voice is heard by passing on what you tell him to the Government and other poeple who make decisions about how children should be looked after and cared for.


What this is all about…

There is a list of the rights that all children have, which has been agreed by almost all the countries in the world. It was agreed many years ago by our own government or all children in this country. The full name of the list is ‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ (UNCRC).


Here’s what to do…

Go to this website click on ‘Take a Survey’ then click on ‘Children’s Rights’ then finally click ‘Start Survey’. The first 1000 young people to take the survey before 30th November will receive £10 voucher.

Enter the following details:

Username :  Minty

Password :   Rights4me


What happens then…

Everything you say will be put together in a big report and when the United Nations come to England next year to check how we are doing on children’s rights we can show them exactly how it is! So what you say here really does count!


The main source of this information is Ofsted.


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