‘Open your Door’ to North West Young People
As the nights are getting lighter and children’s laughter fills the streets, Lorimer Foster Services are urging people to ‘Open your Door’ to young people who need the support, love and care of a family setting and become a foster carer.
Being part of family that fosters is the only chance at a future some of these young people have.
In order to make their chance a success, not only do YOU need to support and care for them but WE need to support and care for you! Here is what our carers think of the support Lorimer has given them:
“It sounds like a cliché, but I’m going to say it anyway – they do what they say they are going to do. It’s as simple as that. When you need them they are there for you. They are practical and realistic when dealing with both the child in care and the system that surrounds them.”
As a foster carer with us you are made to feel part of our professional team and you will never be alone on this journey.
We are particularly in need of carers in the Manchester & Liverpool areas.
Been with Lorimer for just over a year now. I have to commend them on the proficiency of service and support to us. From what I have seen so far, listening and reading about foster carers experiences I believe we have made a goos choice by registering with Lorimer. They listen and they act. That’s good customer service from all the team.
Thank you.
Cornelia & Michael Byrne | 12 years ago |