Recruiting Foster Carers in Merseyside and Cheshire
Recruiting Foster Carers
With the New Year comes the challenge of recruiting foster carers to help look after young people who are desperately awaiting a foster family. According to The Fostering Network, a further 8,100 foster families need to be approved across the next 12 months. This is to ensure each young person in care can be placed with a family that is right for them. This figure shows that the greatest number of those families are required in the North West Region.
Over the next six months we will be focusing on recruiting foster carers in the following areas: St Helens, Warrington, Liverpool and the Wirral.
At present, there are record numbers of young people in care. Each year around 13% of the foster carer workforce retires, meaning that these families urgently need to be replaced. Without the foster families needed, some of these children may find themselves in a placement that is far away. Far away from their home and their family, meaning that they are separated from friends, siblings and their support network. They could also end up being placed with a foster carer who might not have the ideal skills to be able to meet the specific needs of the young person.
It is important to have a diverse range of foster carers who can meet the needs of the young people. Being a foster carer is not for the fainthearted. Here at Lorimer, we never, ever pretend that it is an easy undertaking. In our opinion, the most important requirement to become a foster carer is the passion and will to help young people succeed and thrive. Do you think that you have what it takes? If you would like speak to someone then one of our experienced team members will be more than happy to discuss any queries with your or arrange an appointment for you to come and see us. Please call us on 0800 038 77 99 or click here to visit our contact page. You could also fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will give you a call :)
Fostering Information Sessions
Over the coming months we will be holding regular fostering information sessions across St Helens, Warrington, Liverpool and the Wirral. You can find out more about when and where these events are happening by heading to our Events page. More information can also be found on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Get in Touch
You can call, text or WhatsApp Rachael on 07938 575 738; or send an email to If you would prefer us to call you, please submit your details using the form below; and we’ll get back to you soon!