Tips for Easing your way back to Normality (Lockdown & Covid-19)
The easing of lockdown restrictions has been much anticipated by many of us; but it’s okay to be a little anxious about things going back to ‘normal’.
Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, we have all experienced the effects differently. It has been hard on all of us and especially those who have been shielding. It is understandable that things will take time as we deal with feelings of post-lockdown anxiety.
To help you through the next few weeks and months; we’ve put together 5 tips for easing your way back to normality.
Tips for Easing your way back to Normality
Talk to Someone
Opening up to someone that you trust can be helpful, especially if you are feeling isolated or lonely. Whether it is a friend, a member of your household or someone here at Lorimer, having a chat about how you are feeling can be really helpful.
If you would like to speak to someone but don’t feel ready for socialising yet, there are plenty of different support outlets available. Mind charity have put together this very helpful contact list; filled with details for helpful organisations and public services. They even have a contact list available for those aged under 18; so please pass this on to the children and young people in your care.
Find the Right Routine
A lot of significant changes were made to our A lot of significant changes were made to our daily lives throughout the duration of the pandemic; all of us getting used to new ways of living. To help keep things as simple as possible, find ways of sticking to routine if you think it will help you and your household adjust.
Simple things such as eating meals or waking up and going to sleep at the same time each day can help. By keeping some things the same; it can really help you to adjust to big changes elsewhere in your routine.
Focus on the Present
With so much happening around us; it can be easy to get caught up worrying about the future, and even the past. Try not to dwell on the ‘what ifs’, and instead, shift your focus to the present. Make small, manageable plans to start with; and spend time outside to help with relaxation and mindfulness.
To help you feel more calm and present, why not watch this helpful mindful breathing exercise video provided by Every Mind Matters.
Go at your own Pace
Take things slowly, and make sure you and the young people in your household are doing things at a pace you are all comfortable with. It may be tempting to say yes to activities and invites that you get; but ask things start to re-open, there is no need to rush and do everything at once.
Prioritise the things you have missed the most and only do what you feel is comfortable and safe. Take things step-by-step and build your engagement in activities up as your confidence increases.
Get Info from the right Sources
Making sure that you are up to date with the correct information is key to helping you and your household navigate your way back to normality.
Try to avoid sources that are untrustworthy or unreliable. Use pages like GOV.UK and The NHS website so you can be sure everything you are reading is right.
We hope you find these tips for easing your way back to normality helpful! For more useful information for Foster Carers and young people; visit the News and Events section of our website.
Get in Touch
If you would like to get in touch, you can call, text or WhatsApp Rachael on 07938 575 738; or send an email to If you would prefer us to call you, please submit your details using the form below; and we’ll get back to you soon!