Find a Family Information
Friday again! It comes around so quickly every week 😊
We’re well into the autumn now; leaves are falling, the evenings are darker and we even had a foggy morning this week!
While we may all be looking forward to cosy nights in and spooky Halloween fun, there are still so many children and young people across the North West waiting for Foster Families.
Can you help us find our next Foster Family?
At Lorimer, we are always looking for new families to join our team. We need families from all backgrounds, all walks of life…because that’s where our children come from too.
We know that fostering is a challenging career – and in fact no one knows that better than our approved Foster Carers. They enjoy all the positive moments the children they care for have, as well as support them through the hardest of times.
” If we were to offer any advice to people thinking of fostering, it would be to go for it! The pros outweigh any cons and you’re helping children who have faced a tough start in life. Watching and helping these children move on to develop and grow further makes us proud and feel a sense of achievement and joy. “
– Pam and Jim
“Is fostering easy? No, it’s not at times, it’s very challenging – but it is also very rewarding. “
– Vanessa and Alan
This week, we are asking all our Foster Carers, old and new, to reach out into your communities and see if there is anyone else who can offer what you do. Love, stability, advocacy….
You should receive one of our packs soon via your email address. If you don’t receive one and would like to help, let us know and we will get one out to you.
Don’t forget, there’s a bonus for you, if a family you find is approved as a Foster Carer 😊
Find a Family Information

To find out more about our Find a Family campaign or to make a referral, visit the webpage linked below.
Find a Family | Make a Referral | Lorimer Fostering
If you would like to support our campaign on your social media pages, download our helpful marketing pack linked below.
Find a Family Marketing Pack | Download Page | Lorimer Fostering
How do I talk to people about fostering?
Hopefully (!) you’re as proud of being a involved in fostering as we are. You’ve probably already told everyone about what you do, and that’s fantastic.
We think that what really helps some people to understand the NEED for Foster Carers is the sheer number of children and young people who need care – currently around 80,000 in the UK.
This is a staggering amount of children.
So, we are asking once again for you to promote fostering among everyone you know – and those you don’t! Do you know someone who has a spare bedroom now that didn’t a few years ago? Or someone who is looking for a change in direction?
We also know that people don’t decide to foster overnight. It’s a decision that has to be reached with the whole family on board. That’s why we are available to talk to anyone interested 7 days a week.
Thank you, your support is forever needed, and always appreciated.
Get in Touch
If you would like to get in touch, you can call, text or WhatsApp Rachael on 07938 575 738; or send an email to If you would prefer us to call you, please submit your details using the form below; and we’ll get back to you soon!